Research Week – Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres – Keynote
May 12, 2015
Neoliberalism, Globalization Agendas and Banking Educational Policy: Is Popular Education an Answer?
Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres is the principal biographer of Paulo Freire, the Brazilian philosopher and critical social theorist, and is the founder of Paulo Freire Institutes in São Paulo, Buenos Aires, and UCLA. His teaching and research interests include the political sociology of education, the impact of globalization on K- 12 and higher education, and the intersection of area studies, ethnic studies, and comparative international education.
Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research – Panel
February 25, 2015
Four highly experienced and knowledgeable research colleagues explored a range of ethical issues that emerge in qualitative research, including those related to the experience of research participants.
Facilitator, Dr. Beth Haverkamp, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Research and our distinguished group of panelists:
– Laurel Evans, PhD, Director, Research Ethics, UBC
“How the UBC BREB and the TCPS Incorporate Qualitative Expertise in Research Ethics Reviews”
– Meris Williams, PhD, Registered Clinical Counsellor, Vancouver,BC
“When Interviews Become Interventions…Unexpectedly”
– Susan Cox, PhD, Associate Professor, Affiliate Department of Sociology, School of Population & Public Health (SPPH), UBC
“Ethics and the Experience of Research Participants”
– Lisa Loutzenheiser, PhD, Associate Professor, Curriculum & Pedagogy, UBC
“Alterity:Ethical Questions in Research with Marginalized Youth”
A year of Research in Education event, Faculty of Education, UBC
Digital and Social Media for Research Purposes: A Panel
February 10, 2015
What is the significance of social media, digital technologies and online platforms to advance research in education? Digital and social media can play a role at all stages of the research process, including the generation of research questions, data collection, analysis, academic dissemination, and knowledge mobilization. This panel brought together four researchers from the Faculty of Education – two faculty members and two trainees – who shared their experience using digital and social media for research purposes. Their brief presentations were followed by a period for questions and open discussion.
- Dr. Mary Bryson (Professor, LLED) spoke about the use of Digital Storytelling as a method for health knowledge mobilization
- Dr. Amy Metcalfe (Associate Professor, EDST) talked about her experience using Twitter for academic communication
- Dr. Chelsey Hauge (postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality & Social Justice) sharee her experience using digital media production for social justice in the context of international education
- Ashley Shaw (PhD student in EDCP) discussed her research in online communities, including Facebook and MOOCs
Dr. Natasha Boskic, Senior Manager of Learning Design in the Faculty of Education, facilitated the panel.
Thanks to Flickr’s Peter Klrkeskov Rasmussen for the photograph.
Indigenous Research Issues and Opportunities: What have we learned?
January 29, 2015
A panel with:
- Dr. Cash Ahenakew Assistant Professor, Educational Studies
- Dr. Cynthia Nicol Associate Professor, Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Dr. Amy Parent Post-doctoral Fellow in Indigenous Education with the Indigenous Education Institute of Canada
Facilitated by Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, Associate Dean, Indigenous Education
Often, Indigenous research has been positioned as problematic, which implies that researchers have not engaged in respectful approaches. However, much has changed in the Indigenous research landscape, especially in the last ten years. Faculty members who have worked effectively with Indigenous communities and organizations shared their research stories and reflections in order to highlight the benefits and opportunities of their research. They also shared issues that they faced.
This session encouraged a larger discussion with those present.
Becoming Bi (-Methodological): A Seminar with Dr. Ruth Fassinger
January 19, 2015
Becoming Bi (-Methodological): What Hundreds of Women’s Career Paths Taught Me About My Own
Dr. Fassinger is Professor Emerita in Counselling Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) in three divisions: the Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP), the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues (SPSLGBTI), and the Society for the Psychology of Women (SWP). She also is a member of the Association for Women in Psychology, the Association for Psychological Science, and the National Career Development Association. She has served on the editorial boards of both the Psychology of Women Quarterly and the Journal of Counseling Psychology and currently serves on the editorial board of The Counseling Psychologist. Her scholarly work is primarily in the psychology of women and gender, sexuality and the psychology of work. She is very active in professional leadership in psychology, including as faculty for APA’s Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology. She has received numerous awards for her scholarship, teaching and mentoring, and professional contributions.
The University of the 21st Century: A Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation – A talk by Arvind Gupta
January 13, 2015
Professor Arvind Gupta, President and Vice-Chancellor of UBC gave the fourth talk in a special Green College lecture series onIdeas of the University in the Early 21st Century, in which prominent intellectuals and public figures offer their personal reflections under an updated version of J.H. Newman’s classic title. His talk is entitled The University of the 21st Century: A Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation. The series is co-hosted with the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education’s Year of Research in Education, and the Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training (CHET) at UBC. The talk was live webcast on January 13 from 5-6:20pm. Find the webcast link and further detail on the Spotlight here. List of events (attached).