New Publication by Dr. Andreotti – Seeking home beyond borders


Dr. Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti Department of Educational Studies

Abstract: Drawing on Homi Bhabha’s and Stuart Hall’s scholarship, this article affirms a conceptualization of culture as an uneven, incomplete, and agonistic process of production of meaning and ways of being. In the first part of the article, we introduce Hall’s and Bhabha’s ideas and present a social cartography of dynamic conceptualizations of self and other, emphasizing differences in conceptualizations of identity, relationality, and power. In the second part, we use auto-ethnography to examine our transnational experiences as two women inhabiting differently marked racialized bodies. As female educators coming from non-Western countries working in fields related to intercultural education, we use autoethnography to offer reflexive narratives of crossing transnational borders, and of our experiences of migration to and settlement in multiple countries. These narratives highlight the complexities and paradoxes of making sense of one’s existence in the world within multiple incommensurable scripts of belonging.

Miled, N. & Andreotti, V.O. (2015). Seeking home beyond borders: incomplete journeys. (Pp 29-52). In Cristaldi, M. (ed.). L’approche interculturelle de la cognition et de la therapie. Studio interdisciplinaire di Scienze Sociale e Umane.
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