New Publication from Dr. Andreotti – (Re)imagining Education as an Uncoercive Rearrangement of Desires

Vanessa Oliveira Andreotti

Dr. Vanessa Oliveira Andreotti
Department of Educational Studies

Abstract: This text was first performed at the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference in Ottawa on 29 May, 2015, where I took the liberty and the risk of deviating from the academic genre. However, I modified the text here in written form to adjust expectations to this form of communication.
In this text, I use story telling, metaphors and poetry to introduce an argument that is not self-evident and does not produce a single normative claim for the way forward. The stories and metaphors I use come from different teachings, from multiple locations. What they have in common is their performativity: their potential to re-orient logos/logic in order to make room for the ineffable. In other words: instead of talking about an “un-coercive re-arrangement of desires” (Spivak, 2004, p. 526), the text invites you to live this possibility, for a moment…

Andreotti, V. O., (2016). (Re)imagining Education as an Uncoercive Rearrangement of Desires. Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 5(1), 79-88.

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