Capacity building: Making use of international assessments for learning and as learning
Professor Esther Sui Chu Ho
Department of Education Administration and Policy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Date: Tuesday December 16th, 2014
Time: 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
Venue: Scarfe room 304A
Making use of assessment of learning in “monitoring” school performance has been a hot topic for decades. With the aims of school “development” and student “improvement”, the need of assessment “for” learning and assessment “as” learning has emerged recently.
The presentation will start with an overview of large-scale international and national learning assessments. It will be followed by a review of the use of large-scale assessments for capacity building of teachers in a recent international workshop by UNESCO-NEQMAP in the regional context. We will then analyze how the results of international assessments have been used for capacity building and connection among various stakeholders including policy makers, researchers, school administrators, teachers, parents and the general public by participating countries in the OECD-PISA projects in the global context. A discussion with Dr. Ho will follow.
Light refreshments provided.
Dr. Esther Sui Chu Ho is Director of the Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment. Project Manager of HKPISA-2000, woo3, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015. Consultant of Macau-PISA-2003; China-PISA 2006 Trial Study and Shanghai-PISA 2009 Main Study. Fulbright Scholar at Pennsylvania State University (2004) and Johns Hopkins University (2010); Research Associate of the project Education and Development in South China. Teaching consultant of the World Bank in the District Primary Educational Program, India. Principal Investigator of Home School Collaboration Project. Courses taught include School Effectiveness and School Restructuring; Structure and Process of Schooling; Educational Policy and Practice in Hong Kong; Family, Community and School: Policy & Practices; Education and Society in Hong Kong; Quantitative Analysis in Classroom & School Settings. Research interests include: Parental Involvement in Children’s Education, Home School Community Collaboration, School Effectiveness and School Reform, Decentralization and School-based Management, Research Methodology in Education, Multilevel Analysis in Educational Research.